The Legion Times is the official publication of the American Legion Department of Texas, published online in PDF format, 12 times a year.

Member of: American Legion Press Association, Texas American Legion Press Assoc., Texas Press Association.

Subscription is included in the annual American Legion, Department of Texas dues. Contact the American Legion, Department of Texas for extra copies, or copies for non-legionnaires.


Editorial deadline is the 20th of every month for inclusion in the following month’s issue.

The Legion Times assumes no responsibility for material submitted and reserves the right to edit any submissions.

Please e-mail your articles and photos directly:

Submission Guidelines:

• Articles must be in Microsoft Word, PDF, or plain text format. Please be sure to create a proper file name for your articles. Please keep word count between 200-500 words.

• Pictures must be in JPEG (.jpg) format, 300dpi resolution or better. Pictures submitted without an article or any descriptive text will not be published.

• Pictures MUST be attached separately from your articles (not embedded inside your Word or PDF document), with appropriate captions clearly referenced.

• Scanned items will only be accepted on case by case basis, and depends on the resolution and clarity of the scanned item.

• Reprints of articles from newspapers or other publications must have a letter of permission from the original publication’s authority prior to being printed in The Legion Times.