The annual National Convention is the governing body of The American Legion. Each of The American Legion’s 55 Departments (one in each state, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, France, Mexico and the Philippines) is entitled to a minimum of five delegates to the National Convention, plus one delegate for each 1,000 members or major fraction thereof, as of 30 days before the convention. The National Commander, members of the National Executive Committee, all living Past National Commanders, and the five National Vice Commanders are also delegates to the National Convention.
2025 National Convention Information
Tampa Bay, FL
August 22 – 28, 2025
HOTEL INFORMATION – The Embassy Suites Hotel Hotel is located at 513 S. Florida Ave, Tampa, FL 33602. Phone: (813) 769-8300. The hotel is approx. 15 miles from the airport. The hotel does not offer a complimentary shuttle service. The hotel offers only valet parking at $29.00 + tax per day.
RESERVATIONS – The Department Headquarters will make all reservations; we will work with the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel to arrange confirmation of your reservation. If you are sharing a room with someone, they must be on the housing list.
HOTEL ROOMS – Room rates are $149.00 plus tax, single or double with two occupants. Room tax is 13.5%. This means that a single or double room, plus tax will be approximately $169. 12 per night. The Hotel requires a credit card or debt card to hold your reservation. The hotel will place a $50.00 hold on your card each day to cover any room charges, if not used it will be refunded.
CANCELLATION OR CHANGES ON YOUR HOUSING – If you decide to change or cancel – YOU MUST CALL THE HOTEL DIRECT and contact the Department Adjutant – If you need to change arrival or departure date – CALL THE HOTEL, then inform Department too – Department cannot return your deposit nor change hotel reservation arrangements; you must contact the hotel.
DELEGATES, ALTERNATES AND GUEST PACKETS – All Delegates, Alternates, and/or Guests must pay their $35.00 registration fee to Department, upon arrival in New Orleans please check in with the Department Office to receive your packet and credentials.
LEGION CAUCUS – Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024 – 1:00 p.m. in the Room located on the 1st Floor level of the Hotel.
AUXILIARY CAUCUS – Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024 – 1:00 p.m. in the Room located on the 1st Floor level of the Hotel.
LEGION OFFICE – Will be in Room 303, located on the 3rd Floor level of the hotel. Hours of operation:
- Thursday, August 21st: 2 – 4 pm
- Friday, August 22nd: 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m.
- Saturday, August 23rd: 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m.
- Sunday, August 24th: 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m.
- Monday, August 25th: The office will officially close on Monday to pack up supplies.
AFTER PARTY – Is still in the planning stages and we will provide information when received.
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY STATES DINNER – Contact the Auxiliary to purchase tickets.
The National Convention registration fee is $35.00 per person and must be paid to your respective organization for all delegates, alternates and guests.
In order to be a delegate or alternate to the National Convention you MUST stay in the assigned Department Hotel for a minimum of three (3) nights, unless authorized by their respective National Organization to stay in their assigned national headquarters hotel.
Registration Instructions (pdf)
National Convention Registration / Room Forms (pdf)
National Convention Delegate Information Memo.pdf
The following discounted rates have been prepared for The American Legion National Convention, .
Future Dates and Locations
Louisville, KY – August 28 – September 3, 2026
Kansas City, MO – August 27 – September 2, 2027
Columbus, OH – August 25 – 31, 2028
Indianapolis, IN – August 24 – 30, 2029
Salt Lake City, UT – August 23 – 29, 2030