The Department of Texas will begin a new awards program for post’s that participate in Children & Youth activities. Children & Youth activities will consist programs for children in grades in Kindergarten through 8th grade. So Boy’s State, Oratorical program and other programs that fall under Americanism will not be used to determine the winners. Instead post’s that support safe Halloween programs, child safety programs, donate to Temporary Financial Assistance or other youth programs will be rewarded for their work. Just Like the public relations awards and history awards the post must submit a report with corroborating documents demonstrating the post commitment to the children in their community. There are two awards the post will be eligible for.
Special Children & Youth Citation
This Award will be presented to those Posts within in a District that has conducted outstanding Children & Youth Programs during the reporting year.
One Post from each District should be selected from each of the four membership categories:
- Category 1 15 to 99 members
- Category 2 100 to 299 members
- Category 3 300 to 499 members
- Category 4 500 members and up
Certificate of Meritorious Service
This Award is issued by the National Commission on Children & Youth for meritorious work performed by a Post. It is available only to one Post in each of the four membership categories within a Department. These Posts must have distinguished themselves as having the best Children & Youth Program in their respective category.
- Category 1 15 to 99 members
- Category 2 100 to 299 members
- Category 3 300 to 499 members
- Category 4 500 members and up
Applications can be found by emailing Jason Castleberry at, or by downloading it HERE, or from the Department Forms & Publications page. The applications must be received by Jason Castleberry by July 1st any late submissions will not be considered.