The American Legion Congratulates VA Secretary

Largest VSO Offers Support in Serving Veterans

(INDIANAPOLIS, February 8, 2021) –The nation’s pre-eminent veterans organization congratulated Denis McDonough for his confirmation by the U.S. Senate to serve as the 11th secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

“The honor given to you today is matched by the solemn obligation that we all have in fulfilling Lincoln’s promise to ‘care for him who shall have borne the battle’ and to equally advocate for women veterans and the families of all who have served as well,” The American Legion National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford said. “There are many great challenges today facing America’s veterans. Whether it’s the efficient distribution of COVID-19 vaccines or legislation addressing toxic exposures, the VA will always find an informed and eager ally in The American Legion. Though we have and will continue to confront VA policies when we believe they fall short, The American Legion also believes that VA is a system worth preserving for America’s veterans. Congratulations, Secretary McDonough. The American Legion is rooting for your success in enhancing the quality of life for America’s veterans.”

About The American Legion

The American Legion is the largest U.S. veterans organization with nearly 2 million members in more than 12,000 posts across the nation and in foreign countries. Chartered by Congress in 1919, The American Legion is dedicated to the motto of “Veterans Strengthening America.” Legionnaires accomplish this through the organization’s four founding pillars of mentoring youth and sponsoring wholesome community programs, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting a strong national security and continued devotion to servicemembers and veterans.

Media contacts: John Raughter,, (317) 630-1350.