The American Legion Commander on Shootings: Evil Will Not Triumph

(INDIANAPOLIS,  August 5, 2019)  — The leader of the nation’s largest veterans organization issued the following statement in response to the recent mass shootings:

“From Gilroy, California to El Paso, Texas to Dayton, Ohio – there are just no words to fully express the outrage that The American Legion feels toward the perpetrators of these horrific acts, which is only outweighed by the compassion and sorrow that we feel for the families impacted,” National Commander Brett P. Reistad said. “There are no simple solutions that will totally stop such atrocities from occurring. But we must put politics aside and prioritize civility. We must open our minds and consider ideas that will make our communities safer. Veterans didn’t fight in wars abroad only to witness carnage at home. Support the first responders and donate blood. Express your concerns to authorities when you see troubling behavior that could develop into something worse. Above all, love thy neighbor. Evil will not triumph.”