The National Emergency Fund and the Texas Emergency Fund has been activated. Legionnaires and Sons of the American Legion members who have suffered loss because of flooding in the following counties designed by the Governor of Texas as a disaster area; Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Hardin, Harris, Jasper, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Newton, Orange and San Jacinto.
To apply for assistance, use the following links to get the applications:
For the Texas Emergency Fund on the right side on the homepage click on Forms and Publications. The TEF application is listed under Department Forms or can be found at
For the National Emergency Fund and applications can be found at
You may also contact your District or Division Commander for assistance.
To be eligible to apply for assistance you must:
- Resided in one of the counties designed as disaster county by the Governor of Texas, and have been displaced and have damage to your residence, and
- Been a member in good standing of your respective organization at the time of the disaster (2019 membership year), and
- Submit NEF and/or TEF application with all supporting documentation. Applications may be submitted using email. Ensure the application submitted by email are signed and supporting documentation is included. Email to
- Application must be accompanied with receipts and must be submitted within 90 days of the event.
- Posts are also eligible to apply.
God bless, every application will be acted upon as quickly as possible after it is received.