Department online membership processing

Effective today, February 1st , the Department of Texas will start processing membership online for the Headquarters Posts and Posts that are currently not using the Post Online membership processing.

You will notice several different changes to the various membership reports. We will be using the national membership report and there will not longer be a daily transaction report. All reports will be in PDF format.

Post Adjutants are asked to make sure they submit the membership cards, transmittal form and check with the correct amount of money for the members transmitted ($31.00 per member) as we will no longer have the ability to track daily post membership credits. If the amount is incorrect or missing items, the transmittal will be returned to the Post.

The Post Credits for the post members that renew their individual dues online using the national website will be sent to the Posts on a quarterly basis using the information provided by National to the Department.

Thanks you for your patience as we learn the new system and make a changes.