Changes to the Temporary Financial Assistance Program

Attention all Post Service Officers and Post leaders directly involved with investigating requests for Temporary Financial Assistance in your community.

If you receive this and do not process TFA applications for your Post, please pass this along to someone who does. Also consider any local Veterans Benefits Counselors with state or federal agencies that you know are helping local Veterans. I want to send another reminder about the recent changes.

I first want to describe to you that we were able to gain a member by a most recent application process. You will see below that an applicant who is not CURRENTLY on Title 10 ordered duty or, MUST be a current member of The American Legion in order to be eligible to apply when a need arises.

The RULES to review are:
• A single onetime non-repayable Temporary Financial Assistance grant of up to $1,500 will be permitted in accordance with the conditions set forth in Exhibit A for the minor child(ren) of a qualifying veteran
• A qualifying veteran is defined as a member of the United States Armed Forces serving on federal orders current under Title 10 of the United States Code, inclusive of all components, or any veteran possessing an up-to-date membership in The American Legion
• Formal documentation is required as part of the Temporary Financial Assistance investigation process and application packet for verification that all other forms of financial assistance available have been sought and applied for, or have already been denied