National Emergency Fund (NEF)
Our Preamble to The American Legion Constitution says it best, “…devotion to mutual helpfulness.” This phrase is more than just mere words on paper; it’s our pledge of support to our distressed comrades. Since the early 1920’s, The American Legion has been actively involved in meeting the needs of both the community and indivdual family members in the wake of disaster.
Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires… The American Legion National Emergency Fund was born out of natural disaster to compassionately heal the wounds of castastrophe and help save their homes. A major disaster could happen to any Legionnaire or SAL Member in any town at anythime and make them homeless.
The National Emergency Fund has provided over $6,000,000 in direct financial assistance to Legion and SAL members and Posts. The National Emergency Fund is kept Posts from closing and enabled Legion Family Members to begin to rebuild their homes and their lives.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Eligibility open to Legionnaires and Sons of The American Legion members (up to $3,000) and Legion Posts (up to $10,000).
2. Applicant must have been displaced from their primary residence due to a declared natural disaster and provide proof of out-of-pocket expenses.
3 . NEF funds are not meant to replace or repair items, only to meet most immediate needs (i.e., temporary housing, food, water, clothing, diapers, etc.)
4. Membership must be active at time of disaster and the time of application
5. Does not cover insurance compensation or monetary losses from a business, structures on your property (barns, tool sheds, silos, etc.), equipment or vehicles.
6. Only one grant per household.
How To Apply During Disaster:
1. Application must be received within 90 days of disaster.
2. Disaster must be “declared” natural disaster for Legion and SAL Members.
3. Supporting data (photos, repair estimates, receipts for purchases, etc.) should be included if at all possible or statements (testimony) from post/district/department officers attesting to damages.
4. Post grants must derive from a declared natural disaster and substantating documentation must provide that The American Legion Post will cease to perform the duties and activities in the community due to losses sustained.
Members must complete a National Emergency Fund Grant Application, contact the Department Headquarters to attain a NEF application.
Once the application is properly completed by the applicant the appliation and all supporting documents are sent to the Department Headquarters for approval and they will forward to the National Headquarters. Upon approval at the National level, a check will be snet to the Department Headquarters for delivery to the Legion Family Member or Post in distress.
How You Can Help
We have an obligation to assist those less fortunate members when the need arises, and we do – through our donations to the National Emergency Fund. All contributions made to this fund are deposited in a special account and are used exclusively to meet our member’s most urgent needs. Not one single contribution dollar is used for fundraising, administrative costs or fulfillment. It is given directly to our members in need – not to meet any administrative expenses.
The money in the fund comes by way of generous donations from American Legion Posts, Legionnaires and Sons of The American Legion members.
Send your tax-Deductible Contributions To:
The American Legion
National Emergency Fund
P. O. BOX 6141
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206