Congratulation to 22nd District Commander Jimmy Mitchell and the 22nd District. Jimmy is the 2018 District Commander The Race-to-the-Top competition first place winners in Category III.
He will receive a trip to the national convention and be presented a plaque by the National Commander
Category I
1st Gregory Spight (MI) 121.45%
2nd Robin Rucker (SC) 117.71%
3rd Dennis Morris (GA) 108.33%
Category II
1st Rod Bradstreet (AL) 102.04%
2nd Stephen Souza (MA) 101.12%
3rd No Submission
Category III
1st Jimmy Mitchell (TX) 111.61%
2nd Donna Artola (FL) 103.44%
3rd No Submission
Category IV
No submissions
Category V
1st Holly Lewis (OH) 100.73%
2nd No Submission
3rd No Submission